Sunday, April 25, 2010

Friend Day

Today was "friend day" at church...the kids did an amazing job! The Children's classes did extremely well..the 5th and 6th grade class had 18 children! The kids were told that whichever class had the highest would get to have a pizza party in the youth house..and boy they wanted it. For the youth the goal was 50 in the youth house. We ended up with exactly 50...although we were stuck at 48 for a while. Joe actually took off and woke two of his friends out of bed to make it to the magic number! (the prize for the youth was a new wii for the youth house) What was revealing to me was how some were willing to go above and beyond to reach the goal...while others didn't seem to try at all. I know that I cant necessarily judge a students efforts by the results, they might have invited till they were blue in the face, and no one showed up for them. But the truth is that if just our students had shown up for this day, we would have had way over 50! That's without inviting anyone outside the church. Now, I'm not saying that I'm not extremely proud of our students efforts, because I am...but I wonder about whether or not we have our priorities right. If we can't even be coerced into inviting someone to church, how can our priorities be right?

In John 8:31 Jesus said, "If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples..."

Jesus was saying this to Jews who had believed in Him. He was saying that if you do what I have commanded, it's an outward sign that you belong to me. I am fairly certain that anyone who has spent any time at all in the Word or under sound preaching, would know that Christ wants us to lead our friends and family to Him. When we refuse to do this, is it safe to say that we are not continuing in His word and showing that perhaps it would seem that we are not "His disciples?

Later in chapter 8 in verse 47 Jesus went on to say, "The one who is from God listens to God's words. This is why you don't listen, because you are not from God."

I am certainly not trying to draw some kind of conclusion between students inviting or not inviting friends to friend day and their salvation. I'm just pointing out that eveeeeentually, when someone refuses to do what God has called all believers to do...they must examine themselves and their attitude and check up and make sure that the reason they aren't listening isn't because they aren't "from God."

The great thing is that Jesus says that "the one who is from God listens to God's words!" God will convict us and guide us every step of the that when we stray and don't listen, we will hear from God the Holy Spirit, and this will let us know that we are "from" Him and He is truly ours!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Complaining Again...

Do you ever find yourself complaining about stuff that you know that you should'nt? Believe it or not, I have been guilty of this! (sarcasm goes here)
For those that dont know...I'm finishing up my degree at Union right now. I was in class Monday night and we were finishing the current class up and picking up our text books for the next one. As I looked at the syllabus and the work load for the next course, I began to join the others in complaining about the class and how much work it was going to require. Man! I found myself dreading it! I guess I expected for Union just to giiiiive me my degree with the least amount of effort possible from me! (ok, more sarcasm) I realized that I needed a attitude adjustment. (My grandad called it a "swift kick in the pants!"lol) After all, what was I really complaining about? I am so blessed!
I wonder how it makes God our Father feel when I complain about such small things? It makes me think about our children: Sometimes before we eat, the children might be asked to set the table, clear the table, fix drinks etc...and can you believe it?? Sometimes they dont want to!! (I know this is shattering to their grandparents who think they are perfect!lol) When the kiddos whine about something like this I sometimes think: How ungrateful!! Here I have worked to provide a meal for them and they dont even appreciate it enough to NOT complain when helping?? Their mother is slaaaaaaving in the kitchen... what do the kiddos have to complain about? Im pretty sure you parents know what I mean.
So, when God has blessed me beyond measure to allow me to work and recieve an education, how does He feel to hear me whine a little? Surely my attitude wasnt honoring to God!
Ephesians 6:7 tells me to "Render service with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men..."
2 Chronicles 31:21 tells me of Hezekiah's hard work: "He was diligent in every deed that he began in the service of God's temple, in the law and in the commandment, in order to seek his God, and he prospered."
Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His creation--created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them."

This lets me know that I need to stop whining about a little bit of school work and get focused on the blessings of God because everything I have comes from Him! It is in Him that we should always rejoice!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm on my way to Memphis right now with Dewayne. We are going to visit with a family from church who have a child that has some medical issues. This is just another reminder for me that I am so blessed. Often when things are going good for my family and everyone is healthy and happy in my house-- sometimes if I'm not careful, I might forget about others who are hurting. Our faith is not supposed to be self-focused, but rather, other-focused. When I thank God for His blessings, its not enough to just think of myself and my family. We all need to remember each other...isn't it encouraging when pain or suffering or tragedies land at our feet, that the saints of God are praying for us? Then we should be doing the same for others!